Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 8, 2012

Started out the day with a short but fairly intense workout at Thrive Community Fitness in Maple Valley.  Since I wrecked my legs yesterday on some hill intervals and other leg exercises today was for upper body and then a little bit of legs. 

Later in the day I took a 6 mile run on the Lake Wilderness Trail in a little less than an hour.  My comfortable distance running pace is between 5 and 5.5 mph so hitting this pace is good for the conditioning although it feels a little rough on my legs.  Nevertheless, the training has to mean something so I am really trying to push myself on every workout.

In between the workouts was a productive meeting with the stakeholders from One Mind for Research to discuss the logistics of our run, the marketing efforts, and the consistency of web design.  What a productive meeting! General Chiarelli, the CEO of One Mind and the rest of the team really understand the meaning behind the Always Brothers run and why what we are doing is so much different than just any ultra-race.
Semper Fi,

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